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Extended Study Program: ENTREPRENEUR

About the Entrepreneur Program

Two-Year full-time (daily) Program completed with the Maurita-Leave Certificate (Pre-requisite: Vocational Certificate).

Podnikání m

This Program is suitable for graduates of any 3-year specialization Program with the Vocational Certificate. It is and optimal option for aspiring entrepreneurs and middle and high-level managers.

Thanks to study at our School, you will acquire knowledge and skills from the business environment of individual entrepreneurs (with OSVČ), as well as small and large companies. You will become familiar with the basic rules and systems in the areas of economic, personal, accounting, banking, managerial, and administrative operations that will enable you to be successful in your professional life. You will also learn procedures and techniques in marketing and management. You will master both oral and written communication with your business partners and with the state administration and other institutions. You will understand the principles of the market with its law of supply and demand. You will learn the rules of managing groups of people, as well as strategy of dealing with subordinates and supervisors. Not in the least, you will also learn the basics of the labour and business law.

After successful completion of the Program, you will be able to independently do your accounting and also run your own business.

This Program is also being offered in the three-year distance-learning format.

Job prospects for our Graduates in the Entrepreneur Program of Extended Study

Graduates of our School can find jobs in managerial positions in various companies and institutions, as well as in the state administration (for instance, as officers in financial departments and territorial self-governing bodies. 

Thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills they can work as small entrepreneurs (with OSVČ), or as employees at various departments of business companies, for instance, in accounting, human resources, administrative, logistical or technical departments. They can also apply their knowledge and skills in the area of financial or insurance industries.

Not in the least, our Graduates become well prepared for study at higher professional schools and colleges /universities.

Testimony of our. Graduates

See what our Graduates say about their experience with this Program:

Petra Matoušová

2017 Graduate from the Entrepreneur Program.

Currently works as Officer of Quality and Administration in transportation.

"This Program is worth it. Don’t hesitate and apply for it and study in Semily. Many thanks to all the School’s Instructors for their attitude and support.”

Dominik Šálek

Absolvent 2016 v oboru truhlář, tesař a Podnikání (nástavbové studium).

Aktuálně podniká v oboru truhlář a tesař.

„Rád bych poděkoval učitelům za několik příjemně strávených let ve škole ISŠ Semily.“

Ondřej Taclík

2015 Graduate from the Entrepreneur Program. Worked independently as a Plumber and Electrician. Currently owns a company dealing with all things related to electro, including installation, repairs, and revisions.

„I would like to thank all my instructors for their excellent approach to students and for all the skills and knowledge I received from them. I wish to any current or future students to enjoy their years at the School and success in their lives. To become educated and knowledgeable is the greatest investment in life.”

Bc. Bořivoj Hlava

2005 Graduate in the Cabinetmaker and Entrepreneur Programs.

Currently working as Gameplay Designer at a Finnish company Redhill Games in Helsinki in the field of computer game development.

„I hope that all excellent instructors and students at the School are doing well in these difficult times, and I send warm greetings to all of you from Finland.“

Bc. Oto Klapka, DiS.

2004 Graduate in the Service Operation and Entrepreneur Programs.

Currently working in the Administration of the 3rd Medical Faculty and in the Thomayerova Hospital in Prague.

„I think I can be considered a successful Graduate; in any case, I enjoy my work, and for all of that I am especially grateful you at the ISŠ!“

Ing. Jan Šrajer, Ph.D.

1999 Graduate in the Cabinetmaker and Entrepreneur Programs.

Currently working as Design Engineer in Marbach CR company.

„After spending 10 years in research, teaching and work with students at a university and another 8 years of experience in the construction of smart tools, I must thank the ISŠ Semily for preparing me excellently for my future on the labor market. Combining the craft and the basics of business has always been a great advantage for me in my subsequent studies and in practice. Mind that Graduates with knowledge of the practical side of things always have a head start and good prospects for further employment and place in life. I have to thank all our Teachers and Instructors who took care of us and prepared us so well. You have been and you are great. For my part, I strongly recommend to study at the ISŠ.“

Mgr. Vít Rutkovský

1999 Graduate in Cabinetmaker and Entrepreneurship Programs.

Currently teaching at the Střední škola v Semilech.

„In my professional life, I have for many years combined private business in carpentry with high-school teaching. In the course of my college study I started to consider becoming a teacher. I became familiar with the life at the ISŠ during my 5-year stay at the School as a student and then during my 15 years of teaching there. Based on all this experience I can wholeheartedly recommend both the School and Extended Program to all prospective students - it offers you an optimal combination of knowledge and skills needed for your future professional career.“

Mgr. Roman Zelinka, MBA (Roman Le Grand)

1997 Graduate in the Cabinetmaker Program.

Currently working as Manager of Human Resources at the company. Also, a Senior Advisor for Human Capital in Human Capital Europe, s.r.o.


We get to know each other

We are learning

We celebrate

We are graduating


Category and Name of Courses Taught

    Number of training hours per week





A. General Education Courses


Czech Language and Literature

3 4 7

Foreign Language (Eng.L, Germ.L.)

3 5 8

Physical Training

2 2 4

Business Economy

3 3 6
Law 2 2 4
Management and marketing 2 2 4
Accounting 3 3 6
Business Operation - 3 3
Business Calculations - 2 2
Text and E-Communication 2/2 2






B. Elective Courses



- 1


  - 1
Basics of Natural Sciences 2 - 2


3 4 7
Information Technology 2 3 5
Total Hours 31 35 66

Instructors teaching professional courses are not just experts in their profession but also qualified Teachers with much experience. They can utilize theoretical knowledge for the benefits of practical training. Another important factor typical for our School is cooperation between Instructors of individual specialization, which leads to the overall integrity of the teaching-training process.


You will learn how to navigate in the labyrinth of legal norms. You will start to understand the logic behind the law system and find that it is not as complicated. You don’t need to become lawyers but you will be able to know your own rights and learn how to avoid problems with the law. A useful reminder:

Are you not interested in the law? But the law is interested in you! And not knowing the law is no excuse!

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Vysvětlíme vám, že existuje určitá právní hierarchie. Jaké druhy právních norem máme. Jak je číst a jak pochopit jejich význam. Co znamenají konkrétní právní termíny. Jak se chovat, abyste se sami svou neopatrností nedostali do právních problémů, které by už nemusel za vás vyřešit ani advokát. Jak po právní stránce jednat s úřady, zaměstnanci i zaměstnavatelem. Co dělat, pokud se dostanete do konfliktu se zákonem nebo jiným právním předpisem. A mnoho dalšího…

Information Technology

Nowadays computers are a must, but not everybody can effectively take use of their full potential. At our School you will master practical skills needed in real professional life. You will not be bothered by boring theory but you could enjoy entertaining learning process, as we believe that what students really enjoy, they learn best.

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V praktických cvičeních získáte dovednosti v

  • MS Word (psaní dopisů, nabídek...),
  • MS Excel (nsátroj na zpracování dat, výpočty, přehledné grafy...),
  • MS PowerPoint (elegantní prezentace),
  • MS Outook (práce s e-maily, kalendářem, úkoly...),
  • naučíte se pracovat se soubory, fotkami, videi…

Váš učitel nebude mít v úmyslu nachytat vás na neznalosti, ale bude vaším pomocníkem a průvodcem na cestě k novým objevům tajů světa počítačů.

Text and E-Communication

Creating various company documents, contacts and relations with your customers or business partners… Do you have problems with being clear and comprehensible? Nobody is aware of your craft and skills? Is your documentation badly formulated? Communication is an indispensable element in doing business! In this course you will learn how to work with basic communication tools.

Czech Language and Literature

Our goal in communication is to connect the practical life with your general education and language skills. During their study our Graduates should acquire such knowledge and skills, which would make them later successful on the labor market. From this perspective, we also view the role of learning the Czech language: in this course, theoretical rules of grammar and style are practiced in working with texts and serve to learn necessary practical skills. Students work with information from various sources, critically assess them and are encourage to take a creative approach to this process. When looking at literature and interpretation of important works of art, students approach the study in the broader historical context and are encouraged to seek understanding and enjoyment in them, while attempting to interpret them properly. Preparation for the Maturita-Leave Exam is guided by the current Catalogue of Requirements for MZ, issued by CERMAT.


Learning in this area is directed towards nurturing in students their mathematical thinking to enable them to successfully deal with various financial challenges. They should be able to effectively apply mathematical techniques to solving practical tasks in everyday life, as well and understand mathematically-formulated information and interpret statistical and economic data.

Foreign Language (English / German)

Learning in foreign languages aims at mastering language knowledge and communicative skills at the B1 level as identified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. It facilitates communication in a foreign language as applied to various everyday situations, and to oral and written communication on general and professional topics. Graduates will have learnt to effectively work with foreign-language texts; they should be able to use such experience for further enhancing their knowledge and as a tool for improvement their practical language skills.

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